Kyung Chul Lee


I’m currently a PhD student in Electrical Engineering at Yonsei University advised by Prof. Seung Ah Lee. Additionally, I had the opportunity to work in the Biomedical Engineering department at Duke University with Prof. Roarke Horstmeyer’s lab supported by the Graduate Biomedical Research Fellowship funded by the Korean government. I enjoy chats and collaborative works with individuals who share a passion for their work :)

My research is focused on computational optics and imaging, functional imaging system design, and machine-learning for bio-medical imaging. I have particular experience with Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy, phase mask design for lensless imaging, and speckle imaging using speckle statistics. I am also open to exploring computational deep learning techniques aiming for joint optimization of hardware and software.


Sep 1, 2023 I won the NRF fellowship for next-generation researchers.
Jul 17, 2023 I won the excellence academic paper award from Yonsei university.
Mar 15, 2023 I won the best presentation award at the 3rd Quantitative Phase Imaging Symphosium.
Jan 31, 2023 I gave a talk for my virtual staining work at the SPIE Photonics West 2023
Jan 15, 2023 My paper is featured as a cover article for the January issue of Optica :smile:
Jan 5, 2023 I was at the CES 2023 to showcase my smartphone FPM.
Dec 16, 2022 I won an excellence prize at the 14th Electronics Times Paper Awards!
Jun 6, 2022 I gave a talk for my project regarding phase mask design at the GRC 2022.
Jun 1, 2022 I received the Graduate Biomedical Research Fellowship and will visit Duke University for a year.
Feb 15, 2022 I won a silver prize at the Samsung Humantech Paper Awards.